New 2016 Models of Climbing Holds
From the beginning of this year we embarked on a large creation of new climbing holds models. After long research of new production materials, we found the perfect one for modeling. We were able in a short time to create more than 170 new models of climbing holds. The vast majority of the models was designed by Marek Repčík. Design of model “Aqua” was made by skilful climber Zuzana Fedoríková from Kosice Club Rozlomity.
There are all types of climbing holds among new ones. For advanced climbers there are many openhands, crimps and volumes made of fiberglass. For occasional climbers there are easily to hold jugs in every size. And of course, we all need some footholds. For strengthen your fingers and arms we made new big training board ang crimp for campus board.
Technical innovation
We made a lot of new designs, but we didn´t focus only on appearance. We also made some practical part of progress. Thanks to our know-how we are able to produce holds with finer surface, we improved the mounting holes for the central hexagon socket screws DIN 912 for easier installation and as well as the retaining screw into the wood. And finally, we have added to the quality of the logo Anatomic.
Ako každý, keď nasadí rýchle tempo, po čase spomalí. S novými chytmi budeme prichádzať menej intenzívne (už aj my sa v tých nových modeloch celkom začíname strácať), ale určite sledujte aj noviky na facebooku alebo v aktualitách.
Like everyone, when it will deploy rapid pace, slow down over time. The new climbing will come less intense (already we are in the completely new models begin to lose), and follow the Facebook </ a > or News on our website.